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August 1, 2010 | Interview

An Interview with Justin Taylor

Matthew Simmons

Is the world ending? Do you know something I don't?

I'm not sure what I know that you don't, but certainly nothing in re this. And yes, the world is absolutely ending. It's just a question of

An Interview with Justin Taylor photo
Do You Know Jesus Christ? photo

August 1, 2010 | Fiction

Do You Know Jesus Christ?

Lauren Becker

Jed needed beer. It was late and we had driven by three closed liquor stores. I had a sore throat. I said we should just go to the Walgreens near his apartment.


“Really? You can’t buy

We Figure the Leaves photo

August 1, 2010 | Fiction

We Figure the Leaves

Kristine Ong Muslim

We figure the leaves will find a way back into the house, where they take more than their share of furniture. The smell of ruin and the lack of rain outside has not permeated the house yet. That

Arion Resigns photo

August 1, 2010 | Fiction

Arion Resigns

Matt Mullins

Mutiny is the last I remember.  being pitched over.  only to awaken here.   drowning in an Aeron chair.  typing my own ransom memo for the corporate pirates who pay me in somnambulistic days.