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April 1, 2009 | Fiction


Jim Ruland

The phone rings. You can a) get out of the hot tub, b) tell Graciela to get it, or 3) send Roberto. Answering the phone, however, would ultimately interrupt Graciela, who is in the hot tub with

April 1, 2009 | Fiction

His Point of Sadness Now Becoming Light

Adam Robinson

There he was in the dugout crying.

All the guys were on the field. They were slugging it out because what were they supposed to do? Clint got beamed in the small and Gary charged from the

April 1, 2009 | Fiction

Man's Man

Simon A. Smith

As soon as Joey Steinbach's foot sprung from second base and he made the turn, there was no unplugging it. He'd decided back on first base that if the ball even skimmed the outfield grass he was

April 1, 2009 | Fiction

Some Little-Known Statistical Anomalies in the Game of Baseball

J. Ryan Stradal

It is not for nothing that baseball has existed since 1846 and now encompasses 30 teams playing 162 games each a year. In that span of time, speculative taxonomists and fly-by-night actuaries have

March 1, 2009 | Fiction

No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service

Robert Swartwood

I stop at a 7-Eleven for a pack of gum. I give the cashier a twenty.

"You don't have any ones?" the cashier asks.

I don't, but I say I do anyway.

The cashier just stares at me.


March 1, 2009 | Fiction

The Pastry Chef

Nathan Leslie

So, my step-sister Alice. She divorces her husband of ten years. Bart. High school sweethearts. Sad, sad, sad. Claims he beat her. Wins 75% in court. Unheard of, her lawyer says. But abuse factored

March 1, 2009 | Fiction

The Importance of Reading Ernest

Jimmy Chen

His caps lock button broke and he could only type in capital letters. He spent a notable portion of his money on hos and could not buy a new keyboard. When he emailed his friends they wrote back

March 1, 2009 | Fiction

The Daughter's Name is Daughter

Benjamin Buchholz


so there's this girl, as there always is, except she's a movie star, which figures, since this is me, telling you a story you aren't likely to believe anyhow, and she's not very

February 1, 2009 | Fiction

Hawkgirl in High School

R.L. Futrell & P. Kevin Heath

1. Sweet Sixteen:


She is thinking of her father at the breakfast table, reading the paper. Can almost hear him humming softly to himself. Can hear the slow crunch of cereal and the

February 1, 2009 | Fiction

Three Mississippi Fictions

Alan Rossi

1. Janie

When I was sixteen, my dad's new wife and her daughter, Mary Ann, moved in, so I had to get out. I found a burned-out one story place on Corey Road near the gas plant. When it wasn't

February 1, 2009 | Fiction

Choose One

Blythe Winslow

At some point, the people in their thirties and forties decided to go one of two ways: dog fighting, or dog grooming. It was a simple choice, really, and one for which their childhoods and young

February 1, 2009 | Fiction


Brandi Wells

On the way home, Jill pulls through Dairy Queen and orders a burger and a butterscotch sundae. Her boyfriend orders the same thing, three large fries and a dilly bar. They eat while Jill drives,

January 1, 2009 | Fiction

Two Stories

Grace Andreacchi


I was sitting at the kitchen table, it was morning, the light was pale and fine, he was messing about, making something nice for me to eat. 'I want you to come with me to buy a

January 1, 2009 | Fiction

Island Escape

Paul Silverman

In less than an hour, the ferry was at half-speed, the wind had died and the magnificent flora of Cane Island was in full view. They were in the brochure again, the one the travel agent had given

January 1, 2009 | Fiction

On the Oregon Trail

Caitlin Horrocks

Elias was a banker, so we left with more than most. $1,600 to spend at the outfitters—three yoke of oxen, 2000 pounds of food, boxes of bullets and spare parts: tongue, axle, wheel. Two sets of

January 1, 2009 | Fiction

Three Stories

Kirstin Chen

Meine Liebe

It got to where I couldn't stop talking about him, though our relationship had to be secret — there was no other way — for he was fifty-eight, Daniel M. Kennedy Professor of

December 1, 2008 | Fiction

Three Stories

Edward Mullany

In God's Country

Camping in the northern part of the state, two guys and a girl woke to the sound of what they thought was a nearby bear. The sound did come from a bear, but the bear wasn't

December 1, 2008 | Fiction

Everybody Said Pull Yourself Up By Your Bootstraps

Kyle Minor

The boy mastered the alphabet, but the other boys were playing soccer. The boy mastered subtraction, but the other boys were saying who could and couldn't sit in the back row of the cafeteria. The

December 1, 2008 | Fiction

Jesus Or Happy Birthday

Molly Gaudry

It's Christmas Eve, our birthday's less than an hour away, and, per Tannen family tradition, it's Davie's and my first night home for the holidays. Unlike me, Davie's not much of a drinker—not

December 1, 2008 | Fiction


Eugene Cross

The winter I turned twenty-seven, I followed a woman who said she might love me to a small town in Northwest Pennsylvania, a go-between place that provided me with little comfort, except maybe to

November 1, 2008 | Fiction


Zdravka Evtimova

He could not look at the dog's eyes, light brown, like the sky before it started to rain. "Come on," Vassil said. The dog slowly followed him and climbed up on the backseat of the bone-shaker.

November 1, 2008 | Fiction

Signs and Wonders

Sara O'Leary


The sign is taped to a post and weathered and tattered as it is, it would be easy to believe that it has been there for weeks. But this post is one that Gord walks past several times a day,

November 1, 2008 | Fiction


V. Ulea


She had nine faces already, and each time she began to talk a new one was added. "How does she manage to do that?" he wondered, listening to her voice. It enveloped him like a

November 1, 2008 | Fiction


Lindsay Hunter

My boyfriend and I have sex and when we're finished he holds me close and whispers into my ear, I just date-raped you. What do you do now?

In the grocery store he throws an avocado at my head

October 1, 2008 | Fiction

Blank Spaces

David Valin

In a walk-in closet, my father's ties were exactly six centimeters apart on wooden dowels. I gently touched the gaps between his ties and ran my fingers through the ties. Before anyone else, he

Recent Books

Pregaming Grief

Danielle Chelosky

Love is like a museum. You have to look around, experience things, and then leave.

Who Killed Mabel Frost?

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I thought I was unhappy as a man. Turns out I was just unhappy…


Garielle Lutz

Garielle's longest, most peculiar, most particularized book. A sure-to-be collector's item. Not be be missed!