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October 1, 2008 | Fiction


Glen Pourciau

We'd just eaten a steak dinner. I'd handled the salad and the baked potatoes, my husband had grilled the steaks. Bottle of wine on the table, a few drinks for him before dinner. My husband, veteran

October 1, 2008 | Fiction

Bowling Alley

Jill Widner

Sumatra, Indonesia, 1963

The hibiscus hedge is the boundary line the girl is not supposed to cross. Sometimes, for something to do, she walks to the end of the sidewalk and listens through the

October 1, 2008 | Fiction

Mind and Body

Ed Meek

Those days I believed in Body over Mind. I believed Mind followed Body because I knew matter could think. I was a cook in this little hotel/restaurant in Missoula, Montana. The manager put me up in

October 1, 2008 | Fiction

They Whisper

Tai Dong Huai

They think I don't hear their whispers, but I do. Even with a bathroom between our bedrooms, all I have to do is put my ear to the wall and I can pick up every word.

At twelve, I know a lot. I

August 1, 2008 | Fiction

Colossal Crimson Crop

Gabe Durham

I met her on the corner of a street and an avenue. "We didn't fix anything," she told me. She was no-nonsense, a fast-walker, a liberal. She agreed to show me around.

I tried to ask what it was

August 1, 2008 | Fiction

The Hook

Brian Foley

A man had many things hanging off of his body. There were two arms, two legs, a hose. Mostly though there were a number of barbed hooks, which hung from chains stemming from his torso. They picked

August 1, 2008 | Fiction

You, Too

A. Papatya Bucak

It reminds me of the swimming pool game when I was a child, eyes closed, calling, and the others answering as I struggled, not knowing how to swim blind. I reached for their voices, their bodies

August 1, 2008 | Fiction

A Little Bit Orphaned

J.M. Patrick

My mother is in every room of her house. The kitchen keeps her fingerprints in the flour jar, her lipstick stains on the wine glasses. She left a note on the refrigerator that says: Gone grocery

July 1, 2008 | Fiction

Four Stories

Paula Bomer

Sex and Kindness

Rachel left Mac and walked down the dirt road next to the river. She was leaving him for good. A truck drove up. A man leaned out. She didn't look at first. When she did, she

July 1, 2008 | Fiction

From Laura's Pocket Guide to the Americas: Belize City & Beyond

Laura Ellen Scott


Come dusk the lie will prevail, and even those who know better will venture out in the belief that the evening is cool. It isn't. Welcome to ramshackle, angular Belize City. The

July 1, 2008 | Fiction

Words End Here

Blaze Dzikowski

"I don't really know how to put it across," said the private detective.

Birds of spring flew across the bright sky behind the window of a dark office. The 50-years old woman sat down and looked

July 1, 2008 | Fiction

I Speak Spanish From the Tops of Pyramids

Chris Bowen

Miguel speaks Spanish and I speak Spanish and Miguel has no idea I do. He lays block while I bring block and still he has no idea. Calling me a perro. He laughs and jokes with the other migrant

June 1, 2008 | Fiction

Psychology, Cooking, Chemistry

C.A. Conrad


A little girl in a red princess-style coat with a checkered lining, aged three. She's on tiptoe on the back seat of the Chevy, a red and white finned '57. That's what I remember

June 1, 2008 | Fiction

What Things Are Made OF

Kelly Spitzer

Here is the house. Its siding contains asbestos. Its paint contains lead. This is what we were told every time we got caught sneaking out the window in the middle of the night. As if disease and

June 1, 2008 | Fiction

To Save the Dying

Jason Jordan

"Sometimes things aren't supposed to change," Billy would say, lying in bed while rubbing my back, when we got to talking about the town, about how unfortunate it all was, how opportunity had gone

June 1, 2008 | Fiction


Paul Silverman

We were just out of Williams driving to Flagstaff in the dead of winter in the dead of night when one of us, the driver, shouted the rest of us awake and said he just saw one honker of an elk in

May 1, 2008 | Fiction

The Old In and Out Odyssey

Frayn Masters

There was no place to get it on.

There are bulky strange men in the kitchen, they are laying new black and white tile. It is daylight out, so that limits the possibilities. The proximity of

May 1, 2008 | Fiction


Bonnie ZoBell

The unruly ferns creeping over the porch of the grand old house in Selma, Alabama, didn't fool Allie. Nor the lacy vines hugging the walls and roof. Old money. Unlike the transience of bungalow

May 1, 2008 | Fiction

House of Words

Scott Tomford

The Living Room


This is where we watch TV, where we entertain guests and let them add to the walls. You can see some of the words from the last dinner party on the ceiling if you look

May 1, 2008 | Fiction

My Son Thinks He's French

Patrick Wensink

My son thinks he's French.

His accent was cute at first, but it's starting to get on my nerves. If he asks for another glass of Beaujolais I'm gonna go to jail for child abuse.

Yesterday, I

April 1, 2008 | Fiction

I'd Do It Again, Too

Grant Stoye

Cory glares at me across the room. His left eye is swollen and purple. If you look closely you can see his veins throb as they pump blood to his stupid, beedy-eyed, cat's asshole of a face.


April 1, 2008 | Fiction

Not Just Another Day at the Ballpark

Jim Ruland

If the game of baseball is a narrative in numbers, try this one on for size: on Saturday March 30, 2008, 115,300 people showed up at Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum for an exhibition game between the

April 1, 2008 | Fiction

The Dark One

Daniel McArdle

I Telltale
My dad still has the lanky, deceptively thin frame typical of most pitchers, with long, gibbon-like arms – he is 6'2' but wears 37' shirt sleeves, giving him the reach of a man four

April 1, 2008 | Fiction

The Tools of Ignorance

Nick Mainieri

I've seen em all.

The pretty boys with all the talent and not an ounce of sack.

The Latinos so flashy they trick you into thinking they're good.

The fake hustlers who got everybody

April 1, 2008 | Fiction


Roy Kesey

A friend once told me a story about a kid he'd known who played right field and caught flies. Not fly balls – this kid hated Little League, hated his father for making him play, was afraid of the

Recent Books

Pregaming Grief

Danielle Chelosky

Love is like a museum. You have to look around, experience things, and then leave.

Who Killed Mabel Frost?

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I thought I was unhappy as a man. Turns out I was just unhappy…


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Garielle's longest, most peculiar, most particularized book. A sure-to-be collector's item. Not be be missed!