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February 14, 2025 | Fiction

Amygdala Disco Party

Sivan Lavie

You are such a hot cowboy and I feel so lucky that you’re with me in this, standing in these dark brain fields right now, I think to myself.

February 13, 2025 | Fiction

The Story of White Water: A White Guy with a Sweat Lodge

Natalie Storey

We knew, for example, that according to 23 and Me, White Water didn’t have even a trace of indigenous blood, not even Cherokee, not even if you went back four generations.

February 12, 2025 | Fiction


Mr. Omar King

Wishfully thinking. Not really living up to those thoughts. I know it ain’t gonna happen and I know when this is over, I will go home, come back to my loneliness like clockwork.

February 11, 2025 | Fiction


Lorraine Casazza

Karen is tired.

January 30, 2025 | Fiction


George Salis

Maybe, just maybe, it’s like that theory of the universe, a big bang followed by expansion until collapse, a big crunch, then a big bang again, ad infinitum, so that my curling, turtling pizzle will pop out again, pop in, pop out, poppet, an endless eon’s worth of self-fucking of a higher kind, a higher cruel.

January 24, 2025 | Fiction

Odd Light

Brad Kelly

He’d been by himself now for months except for game night with his colleagues and so he multiplied 13 by 47 in his head and divided it down until it was a trace behind the decimal point and then he asked her if she would like to meet him for a coffee downtown.

January 23, 2025 | Fiction

Heaven Is A Table at 1 OAK

Lucie Turkel

with beer bongs and messy boys who didn’t know how to do anything but shove shoulders down for head

January 17, 2025 | Fiction

The Last American Woman

Elizabeth Ellen

Over the next few days, through a method of trial and error, I taught myself the basics of frontier survival.

January 15, 2025 | Fiction

Spooky Action at a Distance

Alexander Hackett


You're glowing, she said. And why would I be glowing? It can't be the gutrot wine, or last week's fast food lunches. It can't be my Quasimodo limp, I smashed my toe on a fire hydrant trying to

January 10, 2025 | Fiction


Talia Vyadro


When she used to swim at night her bones cut through water like perforating paper. It was always the same ritual, pants off first with a slight shimmy, arms up high overhead to get rid of the

January 8, 2025 | Fiction

Backtrack and Prune

Josh Lovins

It is a horrible thing to lose a friend, they said, and their saying this made him angry. What did they understand? They didn't understand a single thing.

January 7, 2025 | Fiction


selen ozturk

My dad’s passed, my dad says. He’s driving to cremate and bury him. He tears one minute further from me. Two. His phone clatters on the dashboard. Horns and curses. He says BEEP fuck, if I could BEEP

December 30, 2024 | Fiction

I Wanted Violence

Jean Marie

The truth is i wanted to owe. 

but i couldn't say that, that kind of available, that i wanted a knife at my throat demanding all my money, in the bag now;

December 27, 2024 | Fiction

Ocean View

Steven Volynets

   A woman's shriek broke from the dining area, something in English trailing off into Italian.
            Keekah laughed heartily, "the mafia wife is calling."

December 26, 2024 | Fiction

Weird Fishes

Andrew P. Heath

I was informed that it was going to be some kind of horror and pornography mash-up. Lisa promised a murder.

December 24, 2024 | Fiction

excerpt from Where When It Rains

John F Duffy 

I held out my fist, “Midwest love.”

She touched her knuckles to mine.

December 20, 2024 | Fiction


Thora Dahlke

Like everyone born after 1991, I hate my job.

December 18, 2024 | Fiction


Greg Gerke

Can I sue ABC and Universal Televison for making the Hulk’s transformation overly sexual? I ask a lawyer on Main Street, but he requests that I leave, he has to get a lice treatment.

December 13, 2024 | Fiction


Amy DeBellis

“What’s so horrible about being able to take all the emotions you don’t want to feel and just vomit them out of you, and then you’re clean, you’re done with them, you’re numbed out and high?”

“What’s so horrible about being able to get high on your own emptiness, on your strength and your willpower, on your superiority, on how you’re able to get by on so little, you may as well be made of air?”

December 12, 2024 | Fiction

Last Friday Night

Odelia Wu

Feels like the hour before closing at Chuck-E-Cheese.

December 6, 2024 | Fiction


Dylan Reber

The smile on her face huge and probably she knew then that she would marry him.

December 2, 2024 | Fiction

The Invisible Official

Tyson Duffy

The bullies, they made him feel young, alive. He would never admit this to anyone, but he was fairly sure the other teachers, after a glass of wine or three, would concur.

November 28, 2024 | Fiction

We'll Be in Touch

Emma Burger

Every breakfast, lunch and dinner were meticulously documented, each square captioned with the day’s creation: superfood pumpkin risotto, fatty bananas (bananas and butter), avocado tomato mash, yummy liver and beets, creamy spinach and pear, soupy rice porridge, breast milk oatmeal, silky tofu, creamy vegetable soup

November 27, 2024 | Fiction

The Rose of No Man’s Land

Benjamin Bond West

“...symbols of the divine show up in our world initially at the trash stratum. Or so I told myself.” – VALIS

“There’s a rose that grows on no man’s land, and it’s wonderful to see” – The Rose of No

November 20, 2024 | Fiction


Maxine Beiny

All Rachel ever wanted to be was a reality TV star. Rachel didn’t mind which show she ended up on, as long as she became famous and had at least 3 brand deals behind her.

Recent Books

Pregaming Grief

Danielle Chelosky

Love is like a museum. You have to look around, experience things, and then leave.


Garielle Lutz

Garielle's longest, most peculiar, most particularized book. A sure-to-be collector's item. Delivery 4-6 weeks! 

Legs Get Led Astray

Chloe Caldwell

“Legs Get Led Astray is a scorching hot glitter box full of youthful despair and dark delight.”

Cheryl Strayed, author of WILD