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March 1, 2009 | Fiction

The Daughter's Name is Daughter

Benjamin Buchholz


so there's this girl, as there always is, except she's a movie star, which figures, since this is me, telling you a story you aren't likely to believe anyhow, and she's not very

The Daughter's Name is Daughter photo
Interview with Erin McGraw photo

March 1, 2009 | Interview

Interview with Erin McGraw

Bryan Furuness

Erin McGraw teaches writing at Ohio State, where she works with her husband, the poet Andrew Hudgins. She's the author of The Good Life, Lies of the Saint, and The Baby Tree. In her latest

Interview with Paul Maliszewski photo

February 1, 2009 | Interview

Interview with Paul Maliszewski

Sean Carman

Paul Maliszewski's Fakers: Hoaxers, Con Artists, Counterfeiters and Other Great Pretenders, was published in January by The New Press. The book is a collection of essays, interviews, and reports

Hawkgirl in High School photo

February 1, 2009 | Fiction

Hawkgirl in High School

R.L. Futrell & P. Kevin Heath

1. Sweet Sixteen:


She is thinking of her father at the breakfast table, reading the paper. Can almost hear him humming softly to himself. Can hear the slow crunch of cereal and the