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October 8, 2014 | Poetry

3 Poems

Yasmin Belkhyr

Portrait of Toothless Girl and Dead Hare
After Claudia Cortese and Andrew Wyeth’s “Christina’s World”

Dear Christina,

Ma shot Ell in the chest on Sunday. He got a toothache right after,

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October 7, 2014 | Poetry

2 Poems

Brad Efford

My Mother Reads From Her Dream Journal


We—you, me, and your sisters—are in a room the size of a broom closet and you say to me What do I do with this jellyfish? and I don’t understand

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October 6, 2014 | Poetry

4 Poems

Madison Langston


i’ve slept with someone who had a girlfriend
somewhere else i’ve slept with someone who
told me they loved their ex-girlfriend immediately
after sleeping together i’ve slept

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October 6, 2014 | Nonfiction


Nicole Walker

That ability to dissociate—to look from above. You think it would make us save ourselves, seeing the planet from afar, feeling like with one hand, maybe you could fix it.