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January 3, 2014 | Poetry

2 Poems

Jon Conley

you come in tell me of your night like the boys all stared at ur tits

January 1, 2014 | Poetry

2 Poems

Mira Gonzalez

sex feels like a burden when you aren't on drugs

December 30, 2013 | Poetry

What it means to spend your formative years in the Fraser Valley

Kristin Kowalko


he was special

and gigantic

i imagine his hands sometimes when i’m feeling bored

and want to think about middle school

they were fucking huge and could probably seriously

December 26, 2013 | Poetry

Two Poems

Craig Buchner

Those birds swept down with great urgency, talons punching the water, tearing into fish flesh, sometimes with a force that cut the salmon in two.

December 11, 2013 | Poetry

Dear Herculine

Aaron Apps

I don’t mean to fetishize your death, I mean to say we are both corpses in a way. I mean to say that we always already were animals dying into the soil, inhuman.

December 6, 2013 | Poetry

Wednesday and Bear Hunt

Sarah Gerkensmeyer


Once upon a time it was Wednesday, and when the husband and wife awoke, all 
of the windows in their house had been replaced with beautiful panes of stained 
glass. The dining

December 3, 2013 | Poetry

Hoop Dreams

Tyler Gobble

Truth is Scottie Pippen / wasn’t born. He hatched from an egg that was stuck / to another, slightly larger egg. The opposite of Mugsy Bogues / on an airplane and the oxygen mask drops down, / for his seat only. Mookie Blaylock dresses up as Mookie / Blaylock for Halloween.

November 27, 2013 | Poetry

2 Poems

Keith Taylor

Banff: Running Away

I was young enough to believe that when moments felt significant they probably were. I saw sacraments everywhere

                                              so knee

November 21, 2013 | Poetry

Spanking Diane Sawyer

Daniel Crocker

I want to spank Diane Sawyer
In fact, I'd pay upwards of
fifty dollars for it, at least
if she was wearing white cotton

In my fantasy
I wonder
I stop and ask,

November 19, 2013 | Poetry

2 Poems

Matthew Fee

A Theory of Blue 

Telling the truth can be done in an American way, without irony or self-effacement. We begin with the image of a flag, the vastness of space. Suddenly a hole in the sky opens

November 14, 2013 | Poetry

2 Poems

Karen Craigo

Ars Poetica

I want to say this
simply: I was out
near the river; the trees
were bare, and would be.
I saw no blacksnake
in the undergrowth,
but that doesn’t mean
it wasn’t there,

November 11, 2013 | Poetry

2 Poems

Sarah Marshall


Sawtooth palms, and the hymns of
a leftover Palm Sunday
lard the air with the gentleness
of some imagined Christ:

see the hand reaching from
the coloring book, the heavy

November 8, 2013 | Poetry

Olden Times

Lincoln Michel

When my friend is upset because someone posted
about them on the internet in a way they aren’t
sure is ironic, it makes me wish I wish I lived in
olden times. Shit was real back then.


November 7, 2013 | Poetry

House Hold

Tasha LeClair



The man—Grandpa's friend—said,

Welcome to Heaven on Earth.

He wore overalls and climbed in

through the window.


Mary Kay, seven maybe, staying

with Grandpa over

November 5, 2013 | Poetry

2 Poems

Matthew Olzmann


It “might” be a hoax.
That’s what they’re reporting. 
“Might” be a hoax. 
Not is a hoax.
Not definitely, not obviously,
not clearly, certainly,

October 31, 2013 | Poetry

Two Poems

Kimberly Ann Southwick

like when I stand with the kitchen scissors in the citygarden, / thunderloving a green skinned fruit. // He hears my kisses, a wall grabber, the neighbors’ dog / left out in the cold.      here’s to his / soft wet nose      and a part of me / that bleeds dogblood, impure.

October 24, 2013 | Poetry

Poem for My Neighborhood

Stephen Morrow


I have been trying very hard / to consider the window’s pane, / but life keeps occurring beyond it. / Two gangs who were firing .45s / at each other across our busy street / inadvertently shot a lady in the forehead.

October 22, 2013 | Poetry

Biggie Poems

P. J. Williams


            “This album is dedicated to all the teachers that told me I'd never amount to nothin'”

                        - The Notorious B.I.G.

This is the song that

October 17, 2013 | Poetry

Three Poems

Jill McDonough


I chose to love the ones / I poured coffee for. Now I let myself fill / with tenderness for undergrads and murderers, / imagine them as children, little boys and girls. / Privilege and wonder, her underbite and glasses. / His new haircut, her white socks.
October 10, 2013 | Poetry

Two Poems

Justin Carter


you want back to ‘93: to soft skin / & nights driving down dirt road / & the desire to still be— / breathing, you want to say / but instead you think of all the things you wish / she was not

October 3, 2013 | Poetry

Listening to Nick Drake

Michael Brokos


You’re beating him, he needs to protect / the plate and his at-bat, throw something / outside the zone! something he can’t / possibly hit, think how afraid he must be / of you.

September 27, 2013 | Poetry

3 Poems

Michael Schmeltzer


Re: Re: Personal Ad #5 (A Kiss Worth Three Lives)

My father was in the war and told me never to ask
if a soldier ever killed a man.
It doesn’t matter.
On our third date I’ll order

September 26, 2013 | Poetry

Be a 22 Year Old American Boy

Atticus Davis


Be a 22 year old American boy—get really drunk and embarrass yourself in front of the beautiful, freckled, 29 year old Italian Volcanologist that invited you to drinks with her 31 year

September 25, 2013 | Poetry

3 Poems

J. Bradley

I Was A White Girl In A Crowd Of White Girls In The Park

The NSA did nothing after I left a document open on my laptop. In it, I changed your name to new and interesting terrorist

September 24, 2013 | Poetry

Rap Poems

Mark Cugini

I. / A yawning / Pitbull puppy / dipped in gold.

Recent Books

Pregaming Grief

Danielle Chelosky

Love is like a museum. You have to look around, experience things, and then leave.

Her Lesser Work

Elizabeth Ellen

"[Her Lesser Work] is a collection of mordant and formally inventive stories circling themes of, let’s say, desire and escape within repressive structures."

      -Walker Caplan, Literary Hub

"Her Lesser Work is full of power and it takes risks and it's alive and real and it fixes a very sharp eye on the shit humans do to each other and themselves."

      -Lindsay Lerman, LitReactor 


Garielle Lutz

Garielle's longest, most peculiar, most particularized book. A sure-to-be collector's item. Delivery 4-6 weeks!