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March 14, 2018 | Fiction

Maggie and Her Gusto

Oliver Zarandi

We agreed to meet in a bar known as the ‘anus of the city.’ It had terrible lighting which obscured its ugly regulars. The regulars had heads like onions with names like Fred, Harry, Deborah, Henrietta. Years of drinking had withered their necks to the size of cocktail sticks and I didn’t pity them because I liked hating them.

March 12, 2018 | Fiction

All Women

Rachel Gray

She liked to take care of me and I let her. “Sorry about the bread,” she said, handing me a full plate. “It got soggy.”

We ate in the living room, looking up every once in a while at the screen

March 6, 2018 | Fiction

Why I Won't Work At The Mill

Nicholas Rys

The main thing about washing dishes at Ronny’s Café is I can come into work pretty fucked up and no one seems to notice—least of all Todd. 

March 1, 2018 | Fiction

Raw Honey

Daniel Le Saint

We talked about a lot of things when we were high. We talked about a lot of things when we were sober, too. 

February 27, 2018 | Fiction


Bud Smith

Dad’s side are all boring fucks. Mom’s side, god—all my mom’s brothers thought they were the outlaw rebel cowboys of New Jersey. Wild ones. Alcoholics. They were fun, while they lasted. All those men

February 22, 2018 | Fiction


Hector Luis Alamo

It was late July, those days in Chicago when summer is past its prime and everybody's waiting around for a bit of fun.

February 20, 2018 | Fiction

so fast in silence

Timston Johnston

They had taken all the milking cows but left us the wheat fields that fed them. Only Boy handles our cow creamer with two hands, respectfully, as we consider it a new-religion relic. He is too

February 19, 2018 | Fiction


Emily Smith

The photo I'm about to share is a sandwich, on a big brioche bun, cheese dripping out the sides, and juicy roast beef, beet red and bloody, two inches thick. I stick in two toothpicks, with blue

February 16, 2018 | Fiction


Shane Page

Weird day at work. Serving at Maria’s, couple walked up to me, looked like they’d been crying, gave me one hundred dollars. Five twenties. 

February 15, 2018 | Fiction


Jeff Newman

My son is obsessed with points.

February 13, 2018 | Fiction


Luke Whisnant

We were clowns playing death metal. That was our gimmick: whiteface makeup, red rubber ball noses, rainbow-colored wigs. We called ourselves Puke Bucket, but in his review of our first big gig

February 12, 2018 | Fiction

For The People In The Back

James Figy

Due to a clerical error, 265 students registered for my English 101 course. 

February 8, 2018 | Fiction

Mouth Open Wide

Denise Tolan

First, he ARRIVED – like the swans at Capistrano, or aliens in the desert, or, more likely, a flaming dessert.

“Who is that?” my friend Noelle said, poking me in the ribs; her inflection, a

February 7, 2018 | Fiction

An Open Letter to the Guy Who Asked Me for Directions

Stephanie Grossman

You don't know it yet, but I gave you bad directions, and now I can't find you. For this, I am truly, truly sorry.

February 6, 2018 | Fiction

Dear Liza, In What Shall We Carry The Stone?

Tyler Barton

We’re all going to be late, for everything, and the people we keep waiting will add this to their mental list of evidence that we are not careful or observant or accountable.

February 2, 2018 | Fiction

Two Stories

Sean Ennis

After thirty days in rehab, you are “coined out.”

February 1, 2018 | Fiction

2 Stories

Darla Mottram

Dress Code

I’ve got this friend who’s passionate about dress codes. Her name is Sharon. Most of the jobs I’ve had, when it’s come time for a boss to enforce the dress code, they do so

January 31, 2018 | Fiction

Devils Tower

Elizabeth Ellen

When I stay over at Amelia’s there is a poster of Devils Tower over her bed and we trace the volcanic neck with our fingertips instead of sleeping. I give Amelia a Xanax and floss between each of her teeth.

January 30, 2018 | Fiction

This is abstract and so entirely without utility, but I’ll note it anyway


texas was underwater, florida had been evacuated, and the eagle creek blaze—started by fireworks in September of the hottest Summer on record—filled the skies for hundreds of miles with the forest’s ashes.

January 29, 2018 | Fiction


Anne K. Yoder

A sister in place of a father wasn’t an exchange. I’d had twelve years with a father and none with a sister, and I’d preferred it that way.

January 25, 2018 | Fiction

Foe in the Kitchen

Gina Zucker

I protested with my body, such as it was. I felt the need to explain. “I’m staging a protest.” I fluttered hard. The foe smelled of gas.

January 18, 2018 | Fiction

The Suitcase

Helen Hofling

It’s enough just to know that they’re out there. .

January 17, 2018 | Fiction


Genevieve Hudson

People became a mob and the mob circled her, gnashed their teeth and lashed their arms as if to say, Dance! Dance! Dance! They wanted a concert! Another song! Dance, Connie, dance!

January 15, 2018 | Fiction

The Demise of Fragaria Ananassa

Danielle Lea Buchanan

Tongue hasn’t left its .276 square foot efficiency studio apartment in three weeks. To discourage visitors due to lack of space, this space was rented. Tongue is going through a break-up. This

January 12, 2018 | Fiction

2 Stories

Carla Diaz

There Never Was a Mainland

We burned fast that summer. The boats had stopped coming. The water kept us there. That’s the thing about islands.

We bathed at low tide. We ate shells and weeds.

Recent Books

Pregaming Grief

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Is this new relationship self-sabotage in disguise, or is it the cure?

Who Killed Mabel Frost?

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I thought I was unhappy as a man. Turns out I was just unhappy…


Garielle Lutz

Garielle's longest, most peculiar, most particularized book. A sure-to-be collector's item. Not be be missed!