Nothing Sexier Than a Girl Smoking
Felix Kent
Two years earlier in a set of skyscrapered offices with panoramic views of dusty Los Angeles, I was an underling and he was not.
Two years earlier in a set of skyscrapered offices with panoramic views of dusty Los Angeles, I was an underling and he was not.
April 6, 2014
Opening Day
San Diego Padres
Los Angeles Dodgers
Dodger Stadium
Los Angeles, CA
San Diego
Another night we got so high I broke into our next-door neighbor’s house and stole their television so we could watch The Simpsons. I asked Loretta where I should put it. She said on top of the TV, which is how we discovered that we already had a TV.
Tara and I were impressed by the Goth subculture Goth Ryan and Tara’s boyfriend took part in not just because of the black strappy clothes, black fingernails, and heavy eye makeup (which we immediately began imitating), but also their directness and openness about feelings of sadness and rottenness.
I love it when I’m speeding and then again I love it when I crash.
Abdullah greeted me outside of the Jaipur, India train station, asking if I needed a ride. He was quick to show me his official license, knew where my hotel was located and did not make false claims about it having burned down recently, a popular scheme according to my Lonely Planet guidebook.
I was nineteen the summer of 1956 when the Baseball Fairy tapped me with her wand and almost sent me into orbit.
When I was fifteen, I started receiving letters from Division I baseball coaches about the possibility of joining them on such and such Elysian Field and helping the squad reach its goal, which
I didn’t become a fan of baseball until I was in my early twenties. As a teenager, I thought sports were antithetical to the sort of arty, book-reading persona that I had been trying so hard to affect.
When the time came for its demolition, there was no implosion at Shea Stadium.
March 7, 2015
Spring Training - Cactus League
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim
Oakland Athletics
Hohokam Stadium
Mason, AZ
“I thought it was boring,” he told me, “partly because I'd just learned English. But learning the language and the terminology and how the game is played was the big change.”
We're hoping to hear some passion tonight at the hotel if we cup our ears up to the door of their room.
Could be anyone by now. I hope he's okay. I hope they're all okay.
I learned about @DidMetsLose2Day because someone I followed retweeted a post.
We were homeless. We stole blankets, sheets. We took provisions. We carried our houses inside us.
Every day after your aunt points a 9mm Smith and Wesson at your head, you think about holding one in your hands. You need to feel that weight.
We were in Hungary to see his grave, which I did not spit on, and I’m proud of myself for that.
The night we part, not knowing when we will see each other next, we go out walking beneath a swollen, but waning, moon.
My cousin Anabella is almost 16. She’s into musical theatre. She posts pictures of froyo on her Instagram has four times more followers than me. Her favorite member of One Direction is Niall.
Coincidentally, I read the third book of My Struggle in the two weeks leading up to my daughter’s third birthday. The coincidence is that my daughter was experimenting with a particularly annoying
With my back to the washer and dryer I started pissing down the wall.
With my inheritance I buy duck prosciutto and rent vacation homes on beaches and mountains.
Present the conflict or the mother as the conflict or the mother as the object of conflict during childhood.
Love is like a museum. You have to look around, experience things, and then leave.
Garielle's longest, most peculiar, most particularized book. A sure-to-be collector's item. Not be be missed!