Polyphase Signals
I sit in the morning garden
from last night’s rain
ants run in circles
the iron table except
for one perched on the
of my Mother’s teacup
the crickets
keep me
awake at night
and in the
keep me from
sleeping late
I have tea in
the garden They
are quiet
for a moment
before the eldest
steps forward
My apologies
We did not mean to
disturb you
We just
wanted to talk
You are expected to care for your parents
when they get old You live in a small bokkusu
a box, until you are placed in a slightly smaller
one The walls of your house are paper thin
The group is everything and you are nothing
Work is your second family You stay there
all day six days a week and are often required
to drink and carouse together when work is done
You are pushed back and forth in a metal tube
between family and second family You worship
ancestors and hide your dreams in empty
transistor radios We Japanese have no word for
privacy but we can buy anything we want
from a vending machine because sometimes
we can’t bear to have one more face pointed
at us while we lead our impersonal lives
Ti-tan-i-cu (1997)
I am six weeks old strapped into the
car seat Father carries me up the
staircase arm bulging neck veins
climbing to the surface of his pale
skin We are going to a party I
have heard them talking I know
almost everything except how to
explain this fact A gang of uni
formed schoolgirls screeches from
the landing above Tie-nee ba-bee!
Tie-nee ba-bee! You’d think I was
Leonardo DiCaprio Father is scared
He turns from the yelping girls
holds out his arm as if against an
assailant The girls become quiet
Mother and father look so worried
with ugly corrugated foreheads
but I knew it would be okay
I knew the whole time
The water trade mizu-shōbai is a
respectable 400 years old
It refers to hostess bars and escorts
but not necessarily sex
This is a floating world of drinks
and anonymity words
and dreams that can never come true
Men with wives pay
good money to speak with young
women This practice
teaches us that everything is transient
nothing solid life is stable and
structured as water men
will reach the moon before learning
to speak with a woman
Why is the famous writer so famous?
:: he takes many things from a foreign
land mixes them with what is our own
sells it all back to the foreign people as
something new and collects awards
for national pride and a job well done