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Hip Hop

Why the dog got the booty on the coffee table?
Why everybody in my life so damn unstable?


My First Time

I was six years old.
He was a German Shepherd named Andy.



People need $$$$ when they’re thirsty.
People need $$$$ when they’re unbelievably sick.
People need $$$$ when they want to surprise, impress, get they fuck on.
People need $$$$ when they want something to call their own.
People need $$$$ when they're nine years old and into comic books.
People need $$$$ when I wish I had been a better grandson.
I know, I know: what does my wishing I had been a better grandson have to do with people
needing $$$$?

My grandmother graduated from Cornell in 1953. She worked in a laboratory before she had her
three kids. She made me blueberry banana pancakes the morning of my tenth birthday.

The answer is that my wishing I had been a better grandson has pretty much nothing to do with
people needing $$$$.