- I learned how to suffer from tabloids at the grocery store
- When Britney shaved her head I felt a cool breeze on my scalp
- The admin died in my pro-ana group
- My bully told me flophouse by Babyshambles is about her
- It’s about Kate moss
- Brittany Murphy was killed by Harvey Weinstein
- Housekeeper finds chicken carcasses under my bed
- Hugh Hefner’s son thinks that I’m cute
- P1nk’s dogs are playing in my yard
- Low key famous addicts go the Westwood AA
- Why is Henry Kissinger at my school right now
- Ripping new tights with X-acto knife
- Power rangers heiress says keep lotion in your purse
- Larry David sees me crying about AIDS
- Kate Hudson comes to rehearsal and says follow your dreams
- Nicole Richie is skinny now
- Suck Advil coatings off for lunch
- Crouching in alleys for a MySpace pic
- Start rumor I am bulemic
- Can’t use my hands so use forehead
- Sneak on the Next bus because automatic doors
- Was that a speed bump or a kid? Must circle block until I’m sure
- Fuck Monk. I’m trying to watch Scrubs
- No seriously no more Monk but I can’t use remote controls
- Agents scoping out my school play
- My enemies are famous now
- Boys keep dying in car crashes in luxury cars
- Carpool to the funeral
- He looks puffy
- Secret closet altar of tiny Purell bottles
- Vintage slips are crusty with cum
- But those are what Mary Kate wears
- A boho girl can never die
- Too scared of blood to kill myself
- Yahoo answers
- Am I gay quiz
- House foreclosed on
- Priced out of paradise
- Used to be one of the rotten ones and I liked you for that