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Late June on the North Side of Town photo

Late June on the North Side of Town

We are in a paleteria eating lime & chamoy ice cream—
or is it sorbet? On our walk over here we talked
about ginkgo leaves & how they offer the perfect
amount of shade for a porch & how we hate limestone

buildings, even if they could be nice—
which they aren’t— why would you pick limestone?
It’s hot out & we are in the shade.
You complain about forgetting socks
or how you aren’t wearing the right shoes for walking.

You spoon-feed me the little chunks of lime
left in the ice cream & tell me, if you know what you’re doing,
you drizzle chamoy over every bite. It’s better.

It is better & we know, the bright green
& deep red spoonfuls mean more
than whatever building you end up in.


image: Dorothy Chan