This month sees publication of our newest print issue, Hobart #14. As such, and as we have done to accompany our last few print issues, we are devoting the entire month to various "bonus materials" -- photo essays, alternate endings, drawings, extra short fictions, interviews, & more!
Below is a comic by one Hobart 14 contributor, Adrienne Celt, based on an essay from Hobart 14 by Charles McLeod.

Adrienne Celt is a writer, cartoonist, and editor. Her fiction appears or is forthcoming in Carve Magazine, Esquire online, The Southeast Review, and Gargoyle. You can find more of her comics featured in The Rumpus and Gigantic Sequins, as well as online at
Charles McLeod is the author of a novel, American Weather, and collection of stories, National Treasures. His fiction has appeared in publications including Alaska Quarterly Review, Conjunctions, DOSSIER, Five Chapters, The Pushcart Prize: Best of the Small Presses, and the recent Norton anthology Fakes. He also serves as Senior Editor for a new, annual anthology called the California Prose Directory: New Writing from The Golden State.