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September 12, 2023 Poetry

The Horoscope

Hayden Church

The Horoscope photo

This bar has porta potties

in the grass and a food truck

with retro-modern burgers


which probably taste

very OK for

what you pay for them.


My friend asks if I believe in

gay marriage because

he knows gay men


who are normal and have kids

they pick up at school but

I admit I think it’s weird


probably because

of my rearing

and I’m fine with that.


I still need mantras

to get through this life so

I made up my birth time


to get daily horoscope readings

based on the sun and moon

placements of my birth.


The horoscope today just

doesn’t make sense it just says

I deserve my happiness.


He tells me I need

a Shiner Bock which

is a classic Austin beer.


I apologize for having

my phone out and

spill the ashtray


tell him I hope

it will all make sense soon.

My friend asks if I want another


Shiner Bock and I say yeah—

he’s been paying for everything—

asks if I ever


go on dates with this guy

I’m texting.

No I never have.


While he goes to the bathroom

my guy texts me that I’ll have to wait

with the other whores.


My friend says I don’t know

it’s just my opinion but

there’s a place for you in Austin.


I say I know what you mean

and look at my horoscope.