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Be a 22 Year Old American Boy photo


Be a 22 year old American boy—get really drunk and embarrass yourself in front of the beautiful, freckled, 29 year old Italian Volcanologist that invited you to drinks with her 31 year old Israeli Biochemist girlfriend who, for some reason, you decide to tell you're 'really attracted' to while the Italian's away, when really the Volcanologist has all the personality.

Try to calm down by chain smoking three hand rolled cigarettes (you’ve never had a cigarette in your life), then end up talking about marriage, college, and being Matt Damon in Goodwill Hunting.  

Ask if you can sleep on the floor, realize there is no floor to sleep on.

Get a haircut and gym pass the next day to represent an attempt at new starts.



it would sound more honest


and staggering out of my mouth

like a girl late to bed


a stark contrast

to it

keeps waddling

into frame


falling out

of my






to a cage-link door,


effortlessness notices


no one else does.



You idiot—

scared her away.

image: Aaron Burch