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January 7, 2015 | Poetry

from Two Teenagers

John Colasacco


Two teenagers finish the last apple in the house and then wait for something to say.

"I'm thirsty now," one says.

The other unseals a new milk carton from the fridge.

They both

January 5, 2015 | Poetry

Five Hundred and Ninety Miles of Hair

Frank Montesonti


A little nervous after my 70,000th cup of coffee this lifetime
I was wary of forty-three year olds
(statistically, murderers are on average 7.5 years older than their victims)


January 2, 2015 | Poetry

I Remember When I Met U, Baby

Adrian Matejka

That’s / when the purple doors open into steamy / bathtub of surprise. That’s when there’s / an impossibly-deep Prince breath & then—

December 23, 2014 | Poetry

Two Poems

Brian Beatty

I keep waiting for them to say / something the least bit unfamiliar.

December 22, 2014 | Poetry

Two Poems

Patricia Colleen Murphy

How was I supposed to know / what to do about every pimply boy wanting to stick his / dick in my mouth?

December 17, 2014 | Poetry

Three Poems

William Stobb

By living according to core values, we can carry on daily tasks with conviction. Conserve fossil fuels. Avoid the plastic cycle. Too much looking around can lead to paralysis due to the inevitable sense of unfathomable vastness that makes consciousness feel like an infinitesimal quirk.

December 10, 2014 | Poetry

Two Poems

Britt Melewski

I tried to balance things with prescriptions; I tried some more.

December 4, 2014 | Poetry

Two Pokémon: Bulbasaur & Eevee

Colette Arrand

“An extremely rare Pokémon that may evolve in a number of different ways depending on stimuli.” – Pokémon FireRed

December 1, 2014 | Poetry

Yeah so I’m a turkey so what    

Stowell Watters

I’m a symbol of an America newly forged and I live with like 1000 other turkeys in a yard Who gives a shit

November 28, 2014 | Poetry


Laura Theobald

from what my hair says about you

announcers on television will say things like “he was just too late” during a soccer match when a player fails to follow up on a set towards a goal. it adds a

November 26, 2014 | Poetry

2 Poems

Chuck Young

you are a holiday routine

i dreamt shirt collars and close hands
i woke up in the bark of a dog
i soaked in a bath of fog and breath
i scrubbed myself with roasted marshmallow
i dressed

November 26, 2014 | Poetry

3 Poems for Alix Tichelman

Janey Smith

Opus 53

Place the palms of your hands side by side on this wine glass. After a short time, raise your hands and place your eyes at the same level as your palms.

Notice the possible and

November 24, 2014 | Poetry


Donald Vincent

-   after Directing Herbert White / Writing Ellen West


When James Franco first spoke to me, he said, “Oh, shit. You’re Mr. Hip. We were just talking about you before the reading.”


November 21, 2014 | Poetry

5 Prose Poems

Sean Rys


It started when you dreamed you were dead & I had to go looking in other rooms for your body. Turned on each light & either I found you or it was apparent by then that

November 20, 2014 | Poetry

3 Poems

Jessica Tolbert

Death in the Family

my car scraped you and your bike alongside the highway,

in the grade below me over at the public high school
edged off the median at just the wrong second I

November 19, 2014 | Poetry


Timothy Wojcik


A miracle trapped in a fur coat. A fur coat trapped in its original body.

Mathematically speaking, the body is made up of four essential parts: the arms, the ideas,

November 17, 2014 | Poetry

6 Poems

Keiko Watanabe

Polyphase Signals

I sit in the morning garden
from last night’s rain

ants run in circles
the iron table   except

for one   perched on the
of my Mother’s

November 16, 2014 | Poetry

2 Poems

Sophia Katz

I dream of seeing your beautiful face somewhere other than in the familiar expressions captured in photographs on the internet

November 14, 2014 | Poetry

4 Poems

Cam Awkward-Rich

Essay On The Theory of Motion

You remember reading a poem once about a boy driving his grandmother to the library across town. Someone said that the car is a perfect device for giving a poem

November 13, 2014 | Poetry

4 Poems

Mandy Gutmann-Gonzalez

The Doctor’s Office

is windowless. He asks me to undress—You can wear this. He places a large white bird wing in my lap. It’s winter. I’m holding gloves. Then he’s back and I’m lying on the

November 12, 2014 | Poetry

5 Poems

Elizabeth McMunn-Tetangco


It is just beautiful –
the waves look like nothing

and the stars

choke on the air.



I still can see you,
on the steps without

November 10, 2014 | Poetry

4 Poems

Jesse Prado


what if i opened my mouth and a swarm of bees just, you know. the weather said it might rain, and i was like, 'okay.' this is thinking about tracy. that's like, a city somewhere, in the

November 8, 2014 | Poetry

4 Poems

Victor Freeze

I Wrote a Eulogy for What We Used to Be

I sank into
what seemed like an endless abyss
of blue distraught and infinite sadness;
I realized I had no way of feeling like I'd be loved by you

November 7, 2014 | Poetry

3 Poems

Greg Zorko


you have a room in your apartment just for painting pictures.

you sleep on the floor next to your computer and iPhone. the iPhone is almost in your mouth.
it smells like old

November 4, 2014 | Poetry

3 Poems

Karissa Morton


In a world this red & watery, I have no choice but to be a wild animal waiting to be killed.  These laddered roses stacked atop my chest, all these decisions filled with blood.  My

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