The Choke-n-Puke
Jillian Luft
I’m fascinated by the heart's struggle to remain content with any one thing—even when there are no other choices within permissible reach—but I'd like to stop experiencing it firsthand.
I’m fascinated by the heart's struggle to remain content with any one thing—even when there are no other choices within permissible reach—but I'd like to stop experiencing it firsthand.
Loud noises bother me. Crunching on chips. What did they do five hundred years ago when they didn’t have chips? They ate grapes. Quietly.
We were children once, but we aren’t anymore. At least, that’s what Magda says.
I tell him that next year I may hang myself—that’s the funny thing about life—you never know what it’s going to throw at you.
i allow myself to feel joy listening to Anita Baker Same Ol Love and
when im prescient of the joy i rock a lil harder.
I closed my eyes and imagined bones buried just beyond the volcano, on the other side of the hill.
Snapchat filter. Left.
My dad had purchased the car for me a year before from a disillusioned actress in the San Fernando Valley. When we arrived at her home to pick up the car, the actress let us in and began sobbing. She said she was moving to Mexico, away from all “this,” waving dramatically out the window to the valley below.
I like to hang out with models. Models, like Chip in Rent Boy, understand the “strange desires of men.” They live a life of the body.
People like when their opponents are sick and twisted. It’s easy to win an argument if your enemies are medically immoral people.
S is for sponsor who you really should call.
but you know there is a Truth Moment coming, and sure enough the next morning he says hey and you say hey and he says sorry about last night
obedient beauty,
a low-calorie
for excess.
and by the way, I wear jeans too, and I’ll fuck that white girl, absolutely, from the commercial, the camera trails her on the beach, she’s smiling, now she’s hiding behind her hands . . .
They put her flyer on their mailboxes and look at me like she’s dead.
You’re probably thinking these things happened a very long time ago, but as a matter of fact it was just yesterday, and yet somehow we are all old and married with children now, even the former supermodel
My boy on the boulevard bubbling.
Triple wick rip tide in my mind.
Seeing a picture of my tits online didn’t bother me as much as it should have.
With snot running down my chin, weeping, I allowed myself to entertain the possibility that this key situation would go on forever.
I tried to remember something my dad told me about Luis Aparicio after Ozzie Guillen made an error in a game in 1991.