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Initial Email Thread: Chloe Caldwell Submits to Elizabeth Ellen photo

Non-Fiction Book Submission--Caldwell



Chloe Caldwell <cocomonet@gmail.com>

Mar 14, 2011, 3:04 PM  



to me





Hi again Elizabeth,

I am attaching my collection of fourteen stories.
Thank you so much in advance for your time and for the opportunity!
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Warmest regards,
Chloe Caldwell

P.S: You have the same birthday as my mother. I'm an April gal too. ARIES UNITE!


Elizabeth Ellen <ee@hobartpulp.com>

Mar 21, 2011, 10:57 PM




to Chloe


oh, where did you find my birthday??
and when is your bday?
the internet is a frightening place, chloe. :)

Elizabeth Ellen
Editor, Short Flight/Long Drive Books
P.O. Box 1658
Ann Arbor MI 48103


Chloe Caldwell <cocomonet@gmail.com>

Mar 21, 2011, 11:00 PM




to me


Haha! Didn't mean to scare you! You mention in an interview that yours is April 19, same day as your book deal. I'm April 3rd.


Elizabeth Ellen <ee@hobartpulp.com>

Mar 21, 2011, 11:05 PM




to Chloe


hey, also, i'm a tad confused. this says "non fiction sub" but then you say also 14 "stories."

am i missing something?
are they nf stories?
is that a something?

sorry...sometimes i'm dumb.


Chloe Caldwell <cocomonet@gmail.com>

Mar 21, 2011, 11:07 PM




to me


non-fiction pieces?
non-fiction essays?
you know? is there no term for that? i feel like something can be a story and also, true, right?
terminology for NF needs more rules. or less. thoughts?



Chloe Caldwell <cocomonet@gmail.com>

Mar 21, 2011, 11:07 PM




to me


but yeah, they're NF works.


Elizabeth Ellen <ee@hobartpulp.com>

Mar 21, 2011, 11:08 PM




to Chloe


oh, non-fiction ESSAYS.

well, that i'm familiar with.
when someone says stories i think fiction.

i got you.
it's all good. thanks!


Chloe Caldwell <cocomonet@gmail.com>

Mar 21, 2011, 11:12 PM





to me


okay, cool. i guess i feel like the term "essay" is too academic for what my style is. someday i will invent a word.


Elizabeth Ellen <ee@hobartpulp.com>

Mar 21, 2011, 11:15 PM




to Chloe


yes! word invention is necessary.
i hate academia. and all things concerned.

okay, will be a few weeks probably...but i will get back to you.

thanks again!



Chloe Caldwell <cocomonet@gmail.com>

Mar 21, 2011, 11:16 PM




to me


Thanks for your great attitude! So nice. Tell Barry hi. ( ;
Have a great week and thank you.



Elizabeth Ellen <ee@hobartpulp.com>

Mar 31, 2011, 10:11 PM




to Chloe


hi, again, chloe!

i read the entire manuscript this evening in one sitting. it's very hypnotic. there are so many EXCELLENT lines. lines where i may have said "amen" aloud. a couple times. and it covers all of my favorite topics: boys, drinking, drugging, sex, mania, being a woman, etc etc.

that said, (don't shoot me! i hate when replies from editors take this turn), i think mainly due to the length of the book, or i should say, shortness, it'd be a better fit for a few other presses that came right to mind for it. (sorry for the run on sentence.)  

first and foremost, the press roxeane gay started. (and i see one of the stories was in pank, right? so she already is likely a huge fan of your writing.) tiny hardcore press. i think it'd be PERFECT for it. (are you familiar? do you have xtx's book? if not, i ended up with two, so say the word and i'll mail you my extra copy.)

also, the press donora hillard and molly gaudry are doing. i *think* it's cow heavy press, maybe?

also, future tense press (kevin sampsell's). 

and i'm sure i could come up with five or ten others if you like.

have you sent this other places yet?

also, i'm hoping in the near future you'll have a novel to send (remember sf/ld when you do!!!).

while reading these stories i actually wondered if you couldn't somehow turn them into a  novel or memoir...

but maybe you don't need to. maybe you can just have these and a novel with similar characters, experiences, etc.

how do you feel about tao lin? 

people love or hate him.

but i happen to really like his writing.

his novels especially (or novella and novel), and could see you writing one sort of like that. a novel i would read in a single sitting. that i couldn't put down.

at any rate, let me know what happens to this!! oh, and i have an idea for a title. "Lambs Out Wandering."

what do you think? 

the current title* feels maybe too similar to a zillion others and i LOVE the quote at the beginning. LOVE it. 

i even thought  maybe "Lambs Out" would be cool, without the "wandering."

anyway, let me know! let me know!

best of luck.


*Chloe had originally titled the collection Don’t Fall in Love. Lol Eventually this collection became Legs Get Led Astray and was published by Future Tense!


On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 6:04 PM, Chloe Caldwell <cocomonet@gmail.com> wrote:


[Message clipped]  View entire message


Chloe Caldwell <cocomonet@gmail.com>

Apr 1, 2011, 6:14 AM




to me


Hi Elizabth,

Thanks so much for your quick response. I really appreciate your feed back.

I do know about those presses. I love Kevin Sampsell's but he is not open for subs and won't be any time in the near future, he tells me. And I know Roxane Gay's as well. Cow Heavy I did not know, thank you! I have only also sent it to Patsola Press, a relatively new place.

Tao Lin. I sometimes like him. He holds my attention. I went to see him read when I lived in Seattle. I know what you're saying.

I like Lambs Out Wandering! A lot! Thank you! Will probably use that!

I'm not sure what to do. I might wait and omit some of the weaker stories and replace them with strong ones I will write as I work and grow as a writer. You know what I mean? If you wouldn't mind, could you tell me which stories jump to your head as weaker links?

Did you think the thread between these stories was strong enough or do you think that would be a good idea? I apologize for all of the Q's, but you are literally the first person to read this as a whole so I really value your opinion.

If you are serious about the xTx book--I would take it with happy hands! I would be so stoked! She was one of the first people to inspire me a few years ago. She's fantastic.

Thanks again Elizabeth!



Elizabeth Ellen <ee@hobartpulp.com>

Apr 20, 2011, 11:00 PM




to Chloe


hey, chloe,

sorry! not sure why i never got back to you. i think i thought i did and now realize i didn't.
give me your address and i'll send you XTX's book asap!

i will try and look back at your collection, but from what i remember (it's been a month or longer, right?), i thought it all went together VERY well and all the stories were VERY strong, until the last one. (did i mention that in my previous email?) for some reason, it seemed not as taut as the others. i still liked it. just stood out as the one needing a bit of editing, i think.

i don't see any reason for you to wait.

i'd send now!

honestly, i would pick this book up and read it in one sitting.

and i think roxeane or donora/molly would love it!

what about mike young's press?

blanking...published daniel bailey's the drunk sonnets (a favorite book! have you read it?). 

magic helicopter press?

and what about barry graham's press? if he's still looking to publish books. not sure. but you could try him. i think he'd love your stories.

also dark sky press.

oh, there are many many presses.

don't wait. send now.

you'll always have more stories, but get a book out now.  i think. 

that's my two cents anyway...

give me your snail mail.

thanks! and sorry again for the delay!
