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October 28, 2016 | Poetry

Two Poems

Aubrey Ryan

Trump & A Syllabus of Goals

To gift you the stink of goats.
To gift you bright whey.
To neon-bright your mouth

with sorrel & rind
& mouth for you
some many hums.


October 26, 2016 | Poetry

Two Poems

Lucy Wainger

Portrait, with Negative Space

Running faucet, orange light hollow as a pill bottle,
images submerged in a bath of chemicals, blooming
into black-&-white being. That was the only

October 24, 2016 | Poetry

Five Poems

Katie Mertz

Tiny Evolutions

okay so let’s talk
about the exes we mythologize
for the wrong reasons   like leave
a toothbrush at my bathroom sink
and call it love   and baby
I’ll promise ring your

October 21, 2016 | Poetry

Two Poems

Daniel Bailey



October 19, 2016 | Poetry

Three Poems

A.N. Lawrence

Class Aves

Anyone that ever heard the call
of the Rodrigues Solitaire

is long dead, but its name is trapped in stars:
turdus solitarius—
named by a sensitive astronomer.

Does this

October 17, 2016 | Poetry

Two Poems

Richard Prins

On Miracles

Jesus trained a dolphin to swim up under him and lift him over the waves.

Jesus wanted to show everyone his trick.

It looked like he was walking on top of the

October 14, 2016 | Poetry

Five Poems

Kien Lam

Asian Pen Name*

Mine is Kien,
which is useful
in cases
where I need
to prove
I am who I say
I am,
like the time
a cop pulled me
over and said
Sir, do you know
why you

October 13, 2016 | Poetry

Three Poems


Dear Katie

The movie we watched the night you told me you were leaving your husband for a girl with skin rough as a butcher’s block no storm could ever smooth clean. When sharks were falling from

October 10, 2016 | Poetry

Four Poems

Christine Gosnay

Being There

Describing my body is easy
because I do not know what it looks like.

From above, I imagine my face
when it experiences a thrill.

There could be more to what I’m looking

October 7, 2016 | Poetry

Two Poems

Bud Smith

Red Teeth

Left work early to meet delivery peeps at my building. 100 weeks ago we ordered a couch. Tell ya, I've never seen two guys more pissed off to have to deliver a couch. It was like they

October 5, 2016 | Poetry

Two Poems

Jackson Burgess


I keep finding myself loitering in the snow, watching strangers clink their glasses through the window's frosted glare. In my Midwest apartment I am always scrolling through photos of

October 3, 2016 | Poetry

Five Poems

Elizabeth Cantwell

How Come No One On Twitter Is Talking About This

The eye   a camera humming across the top of the earth : cavern  
gully    ravine    gorge    Far below    a tiny man jumps into a tiny

September 23, 2016 | Poetry


Ashley Opheim

I’m just going to give up on these capitalist dreams and buy my self some land and a goat. 

September 23, 2016 | Poetry

Two Poems

Christina Svenson

i can tell what age he lost his virginity

September 22, 2016 | Poetry

Two Poems

Emily Corwin

just ugly things I don’t want to look at.

September 21, 2016 | Poetry

Leonard/Fergus/Clemenza/Herbert/ Barzini/Lord Baltimore (noun)

Sarah Destin

You mean to say, “hello” or “good morning,” but you know that, between us, that would be strangely inappropriate before our morning cup of coffee

September 20, 2016 | Poetry


AM Ringwalt

Nest of resin and surf wax among blood

September 19, 2016 | Poetry

Three Poems

William Torrey

“You’re damned if you do and damned if you won’t”

September 16, 2016 | Poetry

Five Poems

Yuan Changming

The ferry man asked, Where is its mom? I am his mother!

September 13, 2016 | Poetry

If I Had to Lick Wounds

Parisa Thepmankorn

I am a hoarder trying to salvage pieces.

September 8, 2016 | Poetry

The Agency of the Universe and Everything In It

Geoff Bouvier

I put on underpants and pants and socks and shirts in the same sequence every day

September 7, 2016 | Poetry

Two Poems

Mikko Harvey

When he sees me seeing him, he starts to cry.

September 6, 2016 | Poetry

Two Poems

Jacob Bennett

Do you think

you’ll be around for dinner tonight?

Susan’s making shepherd’s pie.

September 2, 2016 | Poetry

Place Time

Christos Kalli

In theory, Hell in winter must be great.

August 26, 2016 | Poetry

Two Poems

Michael Wasson

a glass/ bottle containing/ the letter I/ wrote: it starts/ with the birthday/ of your first/ born

Recent Books

Pregaming Grief

Danielle Chelosky

Love is like a museum. You have to look around, experience things, and then leave.

Exit, Carefully

Elizabeth Ellen

"I loved reading Exit, Carefully. It’s unusual, and in my opinion exciting, to publish a play without previously receiving a major production."

                      -Walker Caplan, Lithub


Garielle Lutz

Garielle's longest, most peculiar, most particularized book. A sure-to-be collector's item. Not be be missed!