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October 3, 2018 | Poetry

Debris of a Bygone Era

Stephen Langlois

please believe me
            when i tell you this
            when i tell you of the high concentration of uranium and thorium 

Debris of a Bygone Era photo
Two Poems photo

October 2, 2018 | Poetry

Two Poems

Tommy Jarrell


Flat water became rare in the house.
We loosened our jaws and drank
sparkling water from cans. For years
now, it seems the rain has gone off
to buy some cheese and bread. There

Two Poems photo

September 28, 2018 | Poetry

Two Poems

Thomas Renjilian

"Late Spring" and "Inconceivable"

Excerpt From Lalita photo

September 27, 2018 | Fiction

Excerpt From Lalita

Chaya Bhuvaneswar

Lucy seemed to love being shocking.