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August 21, 2023 | Poetry

In The Year Of My Descent

Steve Anwyll

The only noise I hear is the hum of electricity, subtle as the sound of the universe whispering.

In The Year Of My Descent photo
Naughts photo

August 21, 2023 | Poetry


Bryn Lovitt

Larry David sees me crying about AIDS

Victim Impact Statement photo

August 20, 2023 | fucked up modern love essays

Victim Impact Statement

J. H.

I am not sorry about most things I’ve done; I really do try my best to be good.

Tennis Lessons, 1983 photo

August 18, 2023 | Nonfiction

Tennis Lessons, 1983

Chris Girman

My opponent was curly-haired and perpetually smirking. Everything around him – his fancy collared shirt, shoes, wristbands, tennis bag – was emblazoned with an Adidas logo