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March 9, 2019 | Fiction

The Serial Shitter

Kyle Swensen

Four days after the initial shit, another pile of human shit was found, this time by the foreman himself, who was checking the inventory of an item located in an ill-lit and rarely visited corner of the warehouse. He immediately called a meeting.

March 8, 2019 | Fiction

Rubber Mother

Adam Falik

I want to deny him but he’s playin’ it natural and attentive.  He’s good but I ain’t sure if he knows he’s good or if he’s just as polite as he’s coming off.

March 7, 2019 | Fiction

Regrettable Head

Janna Brooke Wallack

She looked better and better to herself in his bathroom mirror as she washed up and got all ready to spend the night with him in his warm bed. 

March 6, 2019 | Fiction

Instructions for Mourning

Troy James Weaver

I put a stone at each corner of the paper to hold it still beneath the fan in our bedroom. The instructions were simple.

March 5, 2019 | Fiction

Hide and Seek, With My Nieces, In the Large and Empty Summer Home My Parents Just Bought

Alexandra Tanner

A furniture delivery arrives, as my mother warned me upon leaving for the store that it might, and two nieces who have hidden themselves in a cabinet come out at the sound of the doorbell to ogle the brightly-colored truck in the driveway.

March 2, 2019 | Fiction

Napkin of Death Metal

Melissa Ragsly

Jeanette has gotten many notes in bars before. Many men have spoken to her too. 

March 1, 2019 | Fiction


Gabriel Smith

My sister called me the morning after that dream to tell me that the family cat was dying. It was the last cat that was still alive from the time I had lived with my parents.

February 28, 2019 | Fiction

Today on Dagobah, Ep. 2: "The Stick"

Josh Sippie

Previously on... Episode 1: "The Landing"

Yoda had nothing with him other than the clothes on his back and the debris inside of the pod. There was no need for anything else. He had left his

February 22, 2019 | Fiction


Molly Anders

You are dancing naked and you think you’re alone, but someone is watching. It’s Red, your daughter.

February 18, 2019 | Fiction

After All Disintegrating as an Active Mode

Helen McClory

People are still here! Said the dog’s eyes.

February 7, 2019 | Fiction

Now is Not The Time To Be Different

Judyth Emanuel

She hands me a carved pineapple. Big and heavy.

February 6, 2019 | Fiction

Martha, My Shapeshifting Friend

Lanny Durbin


February 5, 2019 | Fiction

King King II

Harris Lahti

Moments before we depart for his fifty-fourth birthday bowling extravaganza, King-King decides he would rather eat lunch at Fat Nancy’s

February 5, 2019 | Fiction


Norris Eppes

In the open office, everyone has questions. Now you have questions.

January 31, 2019 | Fiction


Justina Elias

I miss your piercings, Mina, I say. 

Don’t, she says. 

Me too. Jordan brightens. You looked like a suicide girl. It was hot. 

January 29, 2019 | Fiction

To The Boy Who Escaped To College And Left Me With A Ring

Marvin Shackelford

I took to wearing your ring again because everybody likes dealing with a woman who’s married. They want a winner.

January 28, 2019 | Fiction

The Treasure Hunt 

Dakota Canon

You empty your bank account of the $1,326 and sink it all into Facebook advertisements.

January 23, 2019 | Fiction


Natalie Villacorta

I want Paula to feel the pain I’ve felt, the pain of being left behind, and not by someone who has died, which would be less painful, in my opinion. Because when someone leaves you in life, they’re still out there; they just have a new life you’re not a part of.

January 18, 2019 | Fiction

Chocolate Eggs

Teresa Milbrodt

Tomorrow he will crash from the sugar buzz. I will not look at him with eyes that suggest I told you so, which is part of love. 

January 16, 2019 | Fiction

Making Babies

Michael Putnam

If we add three points to Athleticism, we have three left to spend on our son. We already have 8 points toward Intelligence. Virtue is a 7, Athleticism would be an 8 if we add those last three. 

January 7, 2019 | Fiction

Stretch Marks

Tyler Sones

Larry didn’t try to talk to me, but whenever the silence got too thick, he would squeeze my knee or knead my shoulder. I was pretty fucked up on cold medicine, and it felt like he was grabbing a hold of my bones.

January 4, 2019 | Fiction


Daniel Paisner

It starts like this: Hirsch leans over the sandwich board at the P&S Lunch just after the rush and feels faint.  A little touch of the queezywheezies, says Pinskey. Lie down for a little, says

January 3, 2019 | Fiction

The Delivery

Erik Raschke

Ivan told me that the minute you step off the plane in America they hand you money. I keep waiting for someone to hand me money. No one has handed me money.

December 27, 2018 | Fiction


C. Allen Harrison

I took a ferry there with Babas—I was calling her Babas—she was calling me Clod I think.

December 26, 2018 | Fiction


Nathan Dragon

That this was the case for him. 

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Pregaming Grief

Danielle Chelosky

Is this new relationship self-sabotage in disguise, or is it the cure?

Who Killed Mabel Frost?

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I thought I was unhappy as a man. Turns out I was just unhappy…


Garielle Lutz

Garielle's longest, most peculiar, most particularized book. A sure-to-be collector's item. Not be be missed!